Are You

Are You


Your dreams
your reality

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How Can I Help…

Hey There My Friend! 

Meet Heather

Meet Heather

I'm so happy you are here!

This is where you want to be if you know you want something different in your life... you want something more and you want to open your life to your fullest potential.

The world is waiting for you to stand up and decide... the doors will open, you just have to knock!

Check out the Quiz above to help you decide where to start...

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For 15 years I did what I always thought people were supposed to do - get a career and work really hard until you retire!

One day I drove through a red light and didn't realize it until I almost hit a pedestrian... this was how you were supposed to live? On stressed out autopilot?

So began a journey "Back to Me"... to find wellness, health, peace of mind and everything life should be.

I would love for you to join me...

From Corporate Finance Executive to Wellness Advocate – A Journey of Discovery!

I'm Heather

Karen Aydt – Owner, Inner Design International

The B.E.C.O.M.E. exercise made it crystal clear to me where my focus needs to be - not the areas that were already strong! It was clear as day and I have already implemented steps to thriving. It was huge for me. You brought it to the forefront in a gentle way. MY pathway became easy to see and understand.

Karen Aydt
– Owner, Inner Design International

member of

- Karen Aydt

"The B.E.C.O.M.E. exercise made it crystal clear to me where my focus needs to be - not the areas that were already strong! It was clear as day and I have already implemented steps to thriving. It was huge for me. You brought it to the forefront in a gentle way. MY pathway became easy to see and understand. " 

- Ellen Klassen

"As my coach, she has been informative, encouraging, attentive, and most of all a voice of reason that has been patient with me, yet also held me accountable. Heather is knowledgeable and has a wealth of experiences to draw from and share. Heather is simply the best!"

- Tee B.

"The sessions helped considerably. So I decided to continue the coaching one-on-one.I felt that I had someone I could trust. I felt greatly relieved that I didn’t have to figure it all out myself. Heather guided me through some practical, easy steps and models for assessing my current situation, setting priorities, and keeping all the different areas of my wellness in balance."

Here are some things others have said

Watch this guided relaxation and take a mini vacation during your hectic day to energize you for the rest of your day!

Are You Ready to ReCharge?