Let me guess. . . It’s not like you haven’t tried. You’ve set intentions, maybe even got to some actions. But you’ve had setbacks, “failures”, or life just got in the way. And you need a bit of encouragement to get back on the road to happiness and health.
My FREE Thriving Life Roadmap will reinvigorate your journey without the overwhelm, I promise!
Get YOur free thriving life map!
I’m sure at some point in your day-to-day life you’ve used a GPS to try to determine your exact location and directions to the next stop on your journey. (As an avid kayak tripper, I love this tool!)
Imagine if you could use a GPS in your personal life? Well, I’ve reverse-engineered one for you by experimenting on myself!
I was a well-paid, but overwhelmed 15-year Finance Executive. Now I'm a Wellness Advocate and Coach living life to the fullest!
I did it using (what I now call) my Thriving Life Method, and so can you!
I once was where you are. I worked a corporate job and had everything I was supposed to have to be “successful” but... I didn't have any time for myself, I didn't feel fulfilled and I wasn't happy!
I've spent the last 20 years trying to figure it all out with multiple career changes, pivots and health-scares. While I can’t say I’ve “arrived” (that’s work of a lifetime), I can say I have a system that helps me to live fully and resiliently – no matter what my circumstances are.
I’ve tested it. In 2021 I had a stroke. In 2023 I went on a bucket-list adventure to Egypt and I broke my wrist in multiple places and had to use health care without speaking the language.
This system WORKS!
I want to help you so that you can get there faster than I did!
Let's get you on the road to creating your best, most resilient life with the totally free Thriving Life Roadmap.
By taking a closer look at six areas in our life, we get a map that spells out BECOME. These are all areas that you can leverage for a happier, more fulfilling life. They form the pillars of my Thriving Life Method.
1. Body - Your physical wellness
2. Emotion - Your emotional wellness
3. Community - Your relationship wellness
4. Occupation - Your professional wellness
5. Money - Your financial wellness
6. Engagement - Your spiritual/purposeful wellness
In this Thriving Life Roadmap, you’ll be introduced to all 6 of these areas with Journal prompts to help you explore each. There’s also a Quiz that will help you narrow down which area is the best area to start for the greatest impact on your present life.
Are you convinced yet? Yes? Great!